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Border management will be a priority this year' in Congo

LIBREVILLE, Jan 15 (Infosplusgabon) - The Congolese government says it will involve its neighbors in the management of its borders this year, the minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Basile Ikouébé, said in Brazzaville. Pana  reports.



Speaking at a meeting when he exchanged New Year wishes with his staff, he said the decision was to consolidate good neighborliness and sub-regional integration.


It was also aimed at avoiding disagreement with Congo's neighbors, such as the one it went through with Angola in October last year when an incursion of the Angolan armed forces into the Congolese territory left 50 people dead, Mr Ikouébé said:


He said 2014 would be a year when Congo would have several joint commission sessions with partners, particularly South Africa, Vietnam, Russia, China, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Algeria and Brazil.


He added that 2014 would also be the year for the celebration in Brazzaville and the relevant countries of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties with countries such as Russia, Vietnam, China and Cuba.




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