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World Bank Vice President for Africa to Visit Gabon

LIBREVILLE,  Jan 12 (Infosplusgabon) -  The World Bank Vice President for the Africa Region, Mr. Makhtar Diop, will arrive in Libreville on Sunday, for a two-day  working visit, according  to  a  World  bank  press  release.



M. Makhtar Diop  will meet with Gabonese President Ali Bongo Ondimba, Prime Minister Raymond Ndong Sima, government ministers, civil society and private sector groups, academics, and the media.


Mr. Diop's visit, the first by a World Bank Africa Vice President since 2002, will focus on the development challenges facing Gabon and on seeing first-hand how the World Bank can step-up its program in the middle-income country to better help its poor and vulnerable families escape poverty and pursue lives with better health, education, and more opportunity.


The World Bank and the Republic of Gabon concluded a technical assistance agreement covering key areas such as health, education, public financial management and macro-economic financial management.


The World Bank is one of Gabon's leading development partners. The 2012-2016 strategic partnership agreed upon by the World Bank and Gabon consists of a US$300 million portfolio and covers telecommunications, energy, institutional reforms, and economic diversification.  (Source




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