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Africa : Congo set to increase tax receipts in 2014

LIBREVILLE,  December 22  (Infosplusgabon) -  Congo has mapped out plans to increase its tax receipts in 2014, the Director General of Taxation in Congolese Ministry of Finance and Economy, Antoine Ngakosso, revealed on Friday.



"Effective January 2014, tax revenues forecast will rise from 560.5 to 650 billion CFA francs, which is equivalent to an increase of 89.5 billion CFA francs," Ngakosso told reporters in Brazzaville, the Congolese capital.


The tax department in Pointe-Noire, the main economic and industrial city of the country, has been ranked first in the collection of taxes.


It is expected that levy rate will increase to 23.5 percent while the  Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is projected to be 2912.2 billion FCFA (excluding oil) .




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